I Cant Speak Weekend

22-23 February

1. How do you usually go to work? By car, bus, on foot etc.
2. When you travel by car where do you park your car?
3. What is your favourite way of transportation in Istanbul and why do you like it?
4. What are good and bad about transportation in Istanbul and why do you think so?
5. What is the worst way of transportation in Istanbul and why do you think so?
6. In which cities do you think transportation is best? Why do you think so?
7. Do you have any interesting experiences with public transport? Tell us your story

Related Words: walk, travel, on foot, bus, coach, tram, train, ride a bike, ride a motorbike, travel by car-bus-plane, drive a car, journey, ferry, boat, pull over the car

word game – Transportation

EXAMPLE ANSWERS: Transportation
1. I go to work on foot. My home is within walking distance to work.
2. I usually park my car around my apartment. When I go far, I usually use Ispark
3. My favourite way of transportation in Istanbul is by tram because you can see the whole city by tram.
4. I think there aren’t good things about ıstanbul transportation. They are usually very crowded and stressful.
5. The worst way of transportation is by bus. It is very crowded and it is usually stuck in traffic.
6. In London transportation is very easy and fun
7. I don’t have any fun or interesting experiences in transportation in Istanbul.

The Story of Kangaroo

There is a story about the word kangaroo.

When British people came to Australia for the first time, an English man asked a child, “What is the name of this animal?” The child said, “Kangaroo.”

The story says kangaroo means “I don’t know.” But this is not true!

The word kangaroo comes from the word gangurru. This is a word from the Far North Queensland people in Australia. It means black kangaroo.

So, kangaroo does not mean “I don’t know” or “I don’t understand.”

Do you like kangaroos? What’s your favourite wild or rare animal? What do you like about it?  
What’s the most interesting animal you’ve seen? Can you describe it?
If you could name an animal, what name would you give it?

If you have two choices but think that they are both bad, you can describe the less bad one or the lesser evil.
“People voted for him as the lesser evil”

Do you know any evil people? Why do you think they are bad?